New CleverStaff features in May

The summer has come at last! Yet we are writing about May updates of CleverStaff recruiting ATS.

  • Finally, the payment page with the history of payments has appeared.
  • Now you can remove candidates from the vacancies.
  • The loading of logo has been improved. Now the system accepts only square images of a certain size — the most suitable ones for publishing them in social networks.
  • There are Company settings appeared on the company page. The Admin of the account can set the logo and change the company name here. There will be more options to adjust here in the future.
  • The search of candidates by contacts while saving them from LinkedIn has been improved; the candidates’ profiles are complemented better now too. This is contribution of our new users from
  • The accuracy of candidates recommendations for the vacancies has been increased.
  • There are also some small improvements of usability inspired by the tips of our users.

The work is going on! We still have a lot of tasks for CleverStaff development.
Your friends @CleverStaff