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Who is a hiring manager? In most cases, hiring manager definition is the person who is directly involved in the hiring process and determines the candidate’s fate. In a team, this is a completely ...

The result of a successful recruiting is a candidate who meets the company’s requirements to the greatest possible extent. But before that moment, a certain amount of time shall pass and a ...

No matter what interview methodology a recruiter or HR uses, the most important thing is what questions they ask the candidate during the interview. After all, good interview questions will help ...

Without exaggeration, an interview is one of the most important stages of a hiring process. And a successful filling of a vacancy and a pleasant realization that the candidate is no longer a ...

What is a structured interview? Structured interview is used by recruiters when recruiting personnel for various vacancies. It has both leverage to help clarify many facts from a candidate’s ...

Recruiters and HR sometimes resort to an unconventional group interview format when recruiting. Let’s look at what it is, when it is used, and how to conduct it in order to achieve ...

From time to time, recruiters need to fill vacancies requiring an increased stress tolerance. To test this skill, they sometimes use a stress interview format. Let’s review its basic principles, ...

Changes in the companies’ personnel happen regularly. Someone quits, someone comes to fill a vacant position – the company hires new employees year after year. It can often be difficult for a new ...

Why is it extremely important now to develop and take care of the most talented people, how to protect the work process when key employees are dismissed, what is talent management strategy and ...

A recruiter’s workday is often predictable and achievements are not always obvious to others. But what can be said – often the recruiter himself/herself does not always notice how good he/she is ...

The issue of psychological (emotional) health has become more relevant in our society, especially in times of COVID and war. At CleverStaff, we have been working on a applicants tracking system ...