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Product Updates
Email templates and automated sending of emails and tests
Recruitment Tips
How to conduct a job interview: types, methods, questions
What did we not know about reporting in recruiting? Life hacks for HRD and not only
What do zoomers want from a recruiter: the peculiarities of hiring a special generation
CleverStaff at the HR Challenge Poland 2023 forum. What was it like?
Case Studies
Hiring at Redtag: Automation makes it possible to see and predict more
Expert Opinion
“I stole the B2B client base from my previous job.” 17 funny stories from recruiters
Mental Health
How to calm down at work fast: 7 techniques for recruiters
Mental Health
Where to find motivation to work? Tips from Daria Selivanova
Recruiting Automation
7 CleverStaff achievements: summing up the results of 2022
Product Updates
Updated Scorecards – more options for the recruiter
Artificial intelligence in recruiting: benefit or… hype?