Integration with Microsoft Teams: new opportunities for online interviews

Friends, we have good news once again! From now on, we have integration with Microsoft Teams/Skype – for creation of online interviews with candidates.

All that you need – is to integrate Microsoft-calendar in section “Organizer”. And – you will have capability to create online-meetings Microsoft Teams/Skype when transferring the candidate to the interview stage (where you can now create a Google Meet).

Microsoft Teams is available only to corporate accounts Microsoft (this is a limitation of Microsoft itself), for ordinary accounts only Skype is available. With integration of Microsoft-calendar we determine the capabilities of your account and offer exactly them. If you use corporate account, make sure, that it is allowed by Administrator of your Microsoft environment to create Microsoft Teams in other services. If it is still prohibited, we will determine it and inform you about it.

Also we added two new fields for Microsoft Teams/Skype, as well as for Google Meet: duration of meeting and name of the event are in calendar. You will now have the ability to edit them on a stage of creating the meeting. 

We wish you pleasant and efficient work!