Bulk CVs upload in CleverStaff
Though many of our users have already tried the bulk CVs upload in CleverStaff, we are announcing this feature only now.
It works just as adequately as when uploading of the single CV or adding a resume from the email inbox.
Each CV is processed by the algorithm which is able to recognize the significant data (CV parsing). It pulls out the candidate’s name, date of birth, position, location, contacts (phone, email, Skype) etc. and fills the data in the automatically created candidate profile. Before adding new candidate to the ATS, CleverStaff verifies if he/she is in your database already. If the system finds such person in your account, it doesn’t create the new profile, but complements the existing one instead.
There is a link to the page of bulk CVs upload on the candidates page. CVs intended for uploading have to be packed into a .zip folder and added through this page. All files with .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .odt extensions would be quickly extracted from the .zip folder to appear in the account on behalf of user who loaded them.
Our users have successfully uploaded 90.zip folders of CVs to the current date (July 28, 2015) already. In fact, it happened during the beta testing of the feature, when it wasn’t announced yet. The bulk CVs upload function had been introduced to the interface quite humbly.
Now we are pleased to report it as one more very effective way to quickly increase your candidates database in CleverStaff applicant screening software!
Your friends @CleverStaff