Voithos AI is a new intelligent assistant in CleverStaff!

Friends, we have great news for you 😊

We created an intelligent assistant in CleverStaff – Voithos AI. It can correctly identify the experience and skills in a candidate’s profile that are valuable for your job openings, and rank candidates for the best match among those added to the job. Now our artificial intelligence prepares data and takes part in the auto-match of candidates, and this function has become significantly better.

Sure when we do such important updates we make an A/B test to accurately determine the effect on real vacancies and candidates. We found that recruiters with Voithos AI increased hires by 13.6% (!) over those without it. This is a super result that we are very proud of. This means an average of 7 hires instead of 6 at the same time with our AI.

This year you will see and feel the work of new versions of Voithos AI 🧡