CleverStaff changes the design of the system’s internal interface 🔥

You know that we are constantly working on improving the system. As a rule, this is functionality, which is very important for recruiters, as well as improving the interface, styles, usability, and clarity.

Our system is already quite large: after 10 years of development, it now has more than 200 pages/windows. We have improved the interface many times, both point by point and end-to-end, i.e., the same type of elements on all pages where they appear. And yet we still have and follow the styles of 7 and 5 years ago, when there were previous large-scale changes to the internal interface. There was a need to modernize and refresh the internal interface, make it more attractive to the eye and easier to use.

Here is a little more about what we are changing and why.

Color scheme. The global trends in UX design are pastel, calm shades. But we have had a craving for our bright colors since 2014, and we did not want to say goodbye to them ☺ The new design has radically revised the entire color scheme, the styles will be more calm and pleasing to the eye.

Navigation by sections. In 2014, it was relevant and convenient to place section navigation at the top of the window. But the number of sections has increased and they do not fit in a horizontal line. Therefore, in the redesign, section navigation was moved to the left.

Bringing to a single style. The same type of elements “from different eras” are brought to a single good style. This way, they will be easier to maintain and will be less diverse and more familiar.

Kanban board and cards instead of lists. Our good old one-line boards are often not enough to put everything you need in quick access. Tasks in the organizer, lists of candidates and vacancies will now have an additional viewing mode. Users will be able to choose a convenient way to display them – a table or cards.

Soon we will show you more details with screenshots of what the new CleverStaff will look like 🙂